He was born in Leno, in the province of Brescia, on the 27th of July 1972. At the age of 24, he got his law degree and started working as a responsible in a trading company in charge of real estate both at a local and national level (with 7 offices in various provinces and regions of Italy). Subsequently, he became head of personnel in an important television and a trading company, with two contract typologies (trade and industry).

In 2000 he started to collaborate with the zootechnical company of dairy cows owned by his family and in 2006 he opened with his sister Giovanna a Winery called “La perla del Garda”.

Since the 2nd of December 2006 he is head of the Provincia Federation Coldiretti Brescia, an organisation which represents agricultural companies and values agriculture as an economic, human and environmental resource. It has strong roots in the area of Brescia.

Since the 13th of March 2012 he became Regional President Coldiretti Lombardia to then become national vice-president Coldiretti in July 2014.

He has been assigned and completed political tasks as member of the Council of C.C.I.A.A. of Brescia; as Councillor for Social Services, Sport and Recreation, Viability and Personnel of the Community of Lonato (BS) and also Council man in the Community of Lonato.

Work experience

  • since 2006 Councillor of the Consorzio Agrario Lombardo Veneto;

  • since 2013 vice-president of the Italian Association of Breeders;

  • since March 2013 head of the Italian Experimental Institute L. Spallanzani of Rivolta d’Adda:

  • since July 2014 National vice-president Coldiretti;

  • since July 2015 Councillor of the Cooperative Terre D’Oltrepò